Sri Lanka Green Tiger
This single political statistic also goes against the
general accusation that the Sinhala majority has been the oppressor of the
Tamil-speaking communities. This makes it abundantly clear that, despite
differences and tensions, the Sinhala majority has been successful in
maintaining harmonious and peaceful relations with two of the Tamil-speaking
communities and had problems with only one Tamil-speaking community. This
single political fact should speak more about the peninsular political culture
with its mono-ethnic extremism than about the Sinhalese who had down the ages
co-existed as a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and pluralistic
The myths that dominate the political landscape have turned reality on its
head. For instance, the multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and
pluralistic Sinhala society is denigrated as racist or chauvinistic while the
mono-culture of Jaffna which fought strenuously to preserve its mono-ethnic
hegemony is projected as an exclusive haven of cultural superiority. The
anti-Sinhala lobby manufactured an ideology to paint the Sinhalese as
extremists and paint the mono-ethnic extremism of the Jaffna Tamils as the
victims of Sinhala oppression. If, as they say, the Sinhala majority was
oppressing the Tamil-speaking minority on the scale described by NGOs and
allied propagandists of the Jaffna Tamil separatist lobby, wouldn’t all other
Tamil-speaking communities have common cause to gang up against the Sinhalese?
Besides, why did the Jaffna Tamil leadership fail to mobilize the other two
Tamil-speaking communities in their political and military campaigns against
their so-called “Sinhala oppressors”? Serious attempts were made by S. J. V. Chelvanayakam to form a pan-Tamil-speaking peoples’ front
against the Sinhalese but he failed to get them into a common front against the
If on the convincing mathematics visible to rational political analysts, the
Sinhala majority had maintained harmonious relations with two of the
Tamil-speaking communities, resolving differences without violence, why did the
Jaffna Tamil leadership alone fail to maintain non-violent, harmonious
relations with the other communities? Why did they drag their own people
through a futile war into the abysmal depths of Nandikadal?
What did they achieve? They went to destroy the Sinhalese whom they had
demonized globally and in the end it boomeranged on them. Their violence turned
inwards and they lost their entire leadership, they lost their kith and kin,
and they lost their self-respect and dignity when they were forced to surrender
to the fascist terror of a pathological serial killer. Now that we have gone
through the worst phase the time has come for the Jaffna Tamil leadership to
consider how the other two-Tamil speaking community leaders have succeeded in
guiding their communities to constructive and promising ends and why only the
Jaffna Tamil leadership failed? Why is it that
reconciliation was possible with the other two-Tamil speaking communities and
not with only one community in Jaffna?
The answer can be found in the intricacies and the complexities of peculiar
peninsular political culture which dragged the Jaffna people from colonial
times to mono-ethnic extremism. In summary it can be demonstrated that
reconciliation with the northern leadership was doomed to fail because of their
intransigence and extremist mono-ethnic ideology that refused to compromise
anything short of their fancy state of Eelam.
Jaffna jingoism was the most destructive and counter-productive of all the
political cultures of the Tamil-speaking communities. Their ideologues
and intellectuals who rationalized the mono-ethnic extremism of Jaffna demanded
that reconciliation should be based only on the terms dictated by the extremist
agenda of the Jaffna-centric politics. This intransigence was one of the
primary causes that led to the failures of any moves towards reconciliation.
Reconciliation has been viewed, argued and projected as a one-way process –
i.e., the government of day should give in to the demands of only one
Tamil-speaking community disregarding or marginalizing the aspirations, the
historical grievances, and the needs of the other minority and majority
communities whose main objective has been to co-exist in harmony with each
other, sharing the land in common with all those who consider the entire 25,000
square miles, from Point Pedro to Dondra, to be their
homeland without any divisions.
Successive governments have gone down this one-way track without any success.
Every national, regional and international endeavour
to bring about reconciliation failed because each move was aimed at appeasing
the intransigent leadership of Jaffna. The Indian move to bring about
reconciliation ended in assassinating Rajiv Gandhi. The Premadasa
moves to reconcile ended in assassinating Premadasa.
The Chandrika-Neelan move to produce a charter for
reconciliation ended in assassinating Neelan and
nearly getting Chandrika. The last major
one-way attempt at reconciliation was when Ranil Wickremesinghe signed the CFA with Prabhakaran
conceding almost the next best thing to Eelam. It
failed because the Jaffna Tamil leadership, as usual, refused to accept it as
the route to reconciliation.
Besides, the undeniable fact is that these reconciliatory moves, signed by the
Tamil leadership, were approved by the Tamil people and their fellow-travellers in the NGO circuit. So what is the logic
in saying that the Sinhala leadership had not made genuine moves at
reconciliation? The Sinhala leadership had even gone as far as dismissing or
marginalizing the aspirations and needs of other Tamil-speaking and Sinhala
communities. Ranil Wickremesinghe, for instance, committed crimes
against the nation when he authorized the supply of arms and ammunition, duty
free, to the Tamil Tigers. He even put the Navy Commander, Wasantha
Karannagoda, on the mat for sinking a Tamil Tiger
boat smuggling arms and ammunition. He should go into the records of the
Guinness Book for being the first prime minister in any part of the world who
had pulled up his Navy Commander for defending the territorial integrity and
security of the nation. It is the innocent youth in the Security Forces who had
to pay with their lives to repair the damage done in the CFA.
However misguided he was Wickremesinghe’s actions
prove that he was bending over backwards to appease the Tamil leadership – a
task that was doomed to fail. Successive Sri Lankan leaders have gone out of
their way – sometimes under international pressure – to reconcile with the
Tamil separatists. But they never succeeded. Though the evidence is loaded
against the Jaffna Tamil leadership for deliberately pursuing a military
solution, refusing a negotiated settlement, it is the “Sinhala state” that is
blamed for each failure to reconcile with the Jaffna Tamil leadership.
The Nordic peace-makers are on record saying that 95% of the terms and
conditions of the CFA were violated by the LTTE. So who should take the
responsibility for the failure to bring about reconciliation?
It was the Tamil leadership that decided to seek a military solution when they
passed the Vadukoddai Resolution on May 14, 1976. It
is this notorious Resolution that endorsed unanimously the decision to wage a
war against the rest of the nation. Prof. A. J. Wilson, son-in- law of Chelvanayakam ,
the father of separatism and the man who posed as Gandhi, states in his
biography that Chelvanayakam went through every word
of the Vadukoddai Resolution. It specifically
urged the Tamil youth to take up arms and never rest until they achieve their
goal of Eelam.
So it is not the “Sinhala state” that adopted the military solution. Historical
documents record that it was the Tamil leadership that deliberately and
consciously decided to go down the path of violence. It was the Tamil
leadership that provided the ideology to instigate the Tamil youth to take up
arms. It was the Tamil leadership that financed the bullets, the guns,
landmines, hand grenades, the boats and all the other firearms when the doors
were open to them to negotiate like the other two Tamil-speaking communities.
It was the Tamil leadership that gave the silent assent to the killings of
Tamil leaders.
Having reneged on national, regional and international agreements, having
rejected all reasonable offers for reconciliation, even those offers that came
with international guarantees, the Tamil leadership and their fellow-travellers in academia, media, NGOs etc refuse to accept
responsibility for the horrendous political crimes committed in the name of the
Tamil people. Not surprisingly, the intellectuals, academics, NGO
pundits produced volumes rationalizing their divisive politics and justifying
Tamil violence by blaming the Sinhalese.
Blaming the Sinhalese is the most common feature of the Jaffna Tamil political
culture. Jaffna-centric politics thrived on targeting the Sinhalese. It
eventually turned into a cult of hate. The ultimate expression of this
anti-Sinhala politics was encapsulated in the Vadukoddai
Resolution. It is the most decisive document to come out of Jaffna defining
their political goals, violent strategies and the cult of hate. It produced an
ideology based primarily on the fictitious history and the concocted geography.
A whole new ideological industry grew round the Vadukoddai
Resolution. The pro-separatist seminars, lectures, researches, publications
were aimed at blaming only the Sinhala-Buddhists. The Vadukoddai
ideology was designed to exonerate the Jaffna Tamil leadership from all blame
and any analysis of subsequent studies will reveal that academics and public
intellectuals never deviated one inch from the fictions and concoctions laid
down in the Vadukoddai Resolution. In the end they
blamed Prabhakaran also as a creation of the
Sinhalese. If Prabhakaran was a creation of the
Sinhalese his bullets should have been directed only at the Sinhalese. But why
did he turn his guns first on the fathers of Vadukoddai
Resolution which endorsed Tamil violence? Did the Sinhalese instruct him to
target the entire Tamil leadership? If, as claimed, he came out of Sinhala
violence, why did he target the innocent Muslims? What had they done to him?
Why did he pluck Tamil children from the breasts of Tamil mothers? Was it the
Sinhalese who prompted him to commit these crimes against humanity?
Demonizing the Sinhala-Buddhists was a necessary strategy to justify Tamil
violence and extremist demands. At the root of Tamil violence and extremist
demands was this Vadukoddai ideology which defined and laid down the road map to Eelam which, contrary to their expectations, ended in Nandikadal.
The Vadukoddai Resolution produced the Vadukoddai War which lasted 33 years and four days. It had
a definite beginning (MAY 14, 1976) and it had a definite ending on May 18,
2009. I consider this as one continuous War and not as four Eelam
Wars. The fact that Vadukoddai War see-sawed between
low-intensity and high-intensity phases does not add up to four wars. It was
just one continuous war led by the Jaffna war-mongers who deliberately declared
war on the rest of the nation in the Vadukoddai
This Commission and the nation at large are now engaged in working out
modalities for reconciliation. There are many roads to reconciliation, ranging
from state initiatives to organised activities at the
grass root levels. Reconciliation is also not one-way traffic. It takes two to
arrive at reconciliation. Reconciliation, it should be noted, is a process that
begins in the minds. Breaking down the mental barriers, misperceptions,
prejudices and fear-mongering are some of the essentials needed to bring about
reconciliation. Above all, no reconciliation is possible if the ideology that
led to the Vadukoddai War is left unchallenged.
Vadukoddai Resolution was not meant for
reconciliation. It was meant to demonize the Sinhalese, rewrite their history
to suit the agenda of Jaffna-centric politics and whip up anti-Sinhala
sentiments to keep Vadukoddai violence at boiling
point. In fact, when the Tamil separatist decided to go down the
path laid out in the Vadukoddai
Resolution they opened up two fronts: 1. The military front on the
ground where the Tamil youth took up arms as stipulated in the Vadukoddai Resolution and 2. the
ideological front which justified and fuelled the Vadukoddai
War for 33 years. We have won the war on the ground. But we have yet to win on
the second front — the ideological front which
is as formidable as the defeated military front.
The Vadukoddai ideology hangs like a Damocles sword
over the head of the nation. The Tamil diaspora is
driven primarily by the Vadukoddai ideology. That is
their one and only reference point. The Provisional Transnational Government of
Tamil Eelam is designed to achieve the goals of the Vadukoddai Resolution. Though the Tamil Tigers – the misled
children of the Vadukoddai Resolution — are dead the
ideology is still alive.
Combating this ideology is a sine qua non for the nation to advance toward
reconciliation. The primary task of the second front, which the government has
not yet opened in any effective way, is to demolish the political myths and
fictions woven round the Vadukoddai
Resolution. No amount of legislation can win this ideological
battle. It is going to be a battle for the hearts and minds of the people.
Reconciliation is possible only when the minds are liberated from myths of
divisive and violent politics embedded in the Vadukoddai
Resolution. The removal of the Tamil Tiger terrorists from the political
equation helps. But the ideology that fired them up continues to linger on in
various shades and manifestations.
This is why the ideological battle has to be taken seriously and fought
relentlessly like the recently concluded war on the ground. The common thrust
of the anti-Sinhala ideology is based on the allegation of discrimination
against the Tamils. Apart from the concocted historical and geographical
fictions, Jaffna-centric politics has consistently accused what they called the ”Sinhala state” on grounds of discrimination. It is the
rationale on which Jaffna-centric politics took to violence. This accusation
has been accepted uncritically by the assorted pundits who found it very
lucrative to toe this line.
It has become an integral part of conventional wisdom that hardly anyone dares
to challenge it. I have no time to cover all the issues of discrimination
raised by the Jaffna Tamil lobby. But let me deal with the main accusation
based on the Sinhala Only Act. As a result of the massive propaganda the
world has come to know this as the symbol of discrimination against the
Tamil-speaking people. But the two other Tamil-speaking communities – the
Muslims and the Indians – did not consider this as an issue on which they could
take up arms or demand a separate state. What should be noted is that all the
issues of discrimination were raised and pursued relentlessly, ending up in the
Vadukoddai War, only by the Jaffna Tamils.
Practically every one of the issues of discrimination raised by the Jaffna
Tamil political caste/class – except the citizenship issue of the Indians –
were irrelevant to the other two Tamil-speaking communities. This is one of the
reasons why the issue of discrimination sounds so hollow. If two out of three
Tamil-speaking communities pursued consistently a political programme
of peaceful co-existence whilst gaining their rights by non-violent politics
what was the justification of the Jaffna political caste/class to go all the
way from Vadukoddai to Nandikadal?
Take the example of the Sinhala Only Act which is cited as the mother of all
evil in Sri Lankan politics. It was not just the Jaffna Tamils but the entire
Westernized, English- educated ruling class of all communities, including the Sinhalese, that rebelled against it. Even among the Tamils
the language issue was confined essentially to the English-educated
professionals, particularly those in the public service. The vast majority of
the Tamils who lived among the Sinhalese had no problem with Sinhala as the
language of commerce. When I grew up my barber, my corner store grocer, my thosai boutique man, my rickshaw man who took me to school,
the botal karaya, — you
name it – were all
Tamils and they had no problem with Sinhalese. My mother who shopped for her jewellery at Sea Street had no problem in bargaining with
the Tamil jewellers in Sinhalese. In fact, it was a
problem confined only to the 6% of the English educated elite who resented and
resisted their power and privileges being taken away by enthroning the language
of the majority of the people. They were bent on retaining the colonial
privileges which would deprive the 94% of the people to communicate with the
language of their elected government in the mother tongue. Which democratic, or
for that even a dictatorship, would continue in the unfair practice of running
a government in an alien language? Is France run in English? Is England administered
in Welsh? Is China run in Japanese? Why is it right for all other nations to
run their governments in the language of the majority but not Sri Lanka?
But let me hasten to add that the Tamils also had the right communicate with
their elected government in their mother tongue. And provision was made for it
by S.W. R. D. Bandaranaike, the greatest Sinhala liberal leader who was
demonized by the Tamil lobby as the sole author who deprived them of their
rights. Bandaranaike did not overthrow the Tamil language. He only dethroned
the English language. His mission was to redress the imbalances left behind by
centuries of colonialism. The pendulum that swung to the West under colonialism
was swinging to the East in all ex-colonies. One of the first rights of the
people was to be governed in their own language.
When Sinhala Only act was passed Chelvanayakam went
from kachcheri to kachcheri urging the Tamil public servants not to learn
Sinhala. This is typical of the narrow-minded, divisive politics of Jaffna-centric
politics that took them eventually to Nandikadal. It
is the duty of all public servants to serve the public and it was duty of all
public servants to serve 75% of population in Sinhala. Chelvanayakam
and the English-educated ruling class did not want to change the colonial
practices. They were for retaining the status quo. In other words, Chelvanayakam wanted the public to learn the language of
public servants instead of the public servants learning the language of the
public. How fair is this by the public? In fairness to Bandaranaike, it must be
stated that he made it compulsory for Sinhala and Burgher public servants to
learn Tamil and even provided free classes in the departments for public
servants to learn the languages of the public. It was this policy of
democratizing the administration and making the administration accessible to
the public without any language barriers that was vilified as a racist act by
the “Sinhala state” against the Tamils.
Let us also not forget that it was the Sinhala youth that took up arms first on
the cry of discrimination. They too raised the language issue but on a class
basis. They said that English was the language of the ruling class that denied
opportunities to the lower classes. The Jaffna Tamils took up the same issue on
an ethnic basis and accused the Sinhalese of pursuing racist politics. Even the
Marxist leaders eventually came to the conclusion that it was a class issue and
not an ethnic issue. And despite all these allegations of discrimination on a
language basis the nation is still run in English. The judiciary, the executive
and the legislature are ruled by and large in English. Even the bulk of the
evidence recorded in this commission is in English. So where is the
discrimination if all three languages are used in running the administration to
this day?
Let me highlight some key aspects which debunk this myth of
discrimination. There are 192 flags flying at the UN. Of all these flags
it is only the Sri Lankan flag that has given the Tamils a place of respect,
dignity and honour. A flag is the highest symbol of
any nation. When the President salutes the national flag he salutes the Tamils
and Muslims also. So has “the Sinhala state” excluded the Tamils and given them
a lesser status nationally or internationally? Take the case of currency –
another symbol of national recognition. Every currency note gives Tamil it due
recognition as an equal partner. So where is this discrimination? This place of
honour is not there for the Tamils even in India –
the ONLY homeland of the Tamils.
In what way have these unique symbols denied the Tamils of their rights, their
culture, their identity? On the contrary, in building
this nation have not the “successive “Sinhala governments” placed the
minorities on equal footing at every critical level? This is confirmed by the
fact that two Tamil-speaking communities have refused to join the Jaffna Tamils
in their violent campaign against Sri Lanka. They had no reason to join hands
because the issues of discrimination and other allegations were not valid. If
the allegations of discrimination and oppression of the minorities were valid
it would have been felt right across the board among the minorities. But it
didn’t. They all spoke the Tamil language, they all faced the identical Sinhala
majority and they lived in the same political space. Their refusal to join
hands with the Jaffna Tamils on allegations of discrimination and oppression
refutes conclusively the concocted allegations of the Jaffna Tamils.
As a result of the distorted ideologies of the peninsular political culture the
nation was put through the most traumatic period in its history. The Jaffna
Tamil political parties have survived in the past on this culture of blaming
the Sinhalese. If they are to learn from history the one outstanding lesson
they must accept is that there is no future in the ideologically misguided
past. They have pushed their mono-ethnic politics to the extreme and they have
lost. Their task now is to re-imagine their place in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic,
multi-religious state.
But to sum up, their politics of mono-ethnic extremism will not end as long as
their second front – the ideological front — is left wide open. Reconciliation
can be built only by abandoning the Vadukoddai
ideology which has no future. Those who are still committed to this ideology
have not grasped the geo-political realities that went against the Vadukoddai ideology. The Tamil leaders knew that the
international community was against a separate state but they never told that
to the Tamil people. They kept the illusion of Eelam
alive for their own self-interest without any regard for the suffering of the
Tamil people.
Let us not forget that in all this it is the Jaffna Tamil people who suffered
most. The Jaffna Tamil leadership must apologise
on their knees to the Jaffna people for leading them to Nandikadal.
Jaffna deserves a more enlightened leadership that can save them from going
down the same old route from Vadukoddai to Nandikadal. Blaming the Sinhalese is not going to pay them
any dividends any more. They must take responsibility for manufacturing
the Vadukoddai ideology that took them nowhere. No
one asked them to pass the Vadukoddai Resolution.
They did it on their own. No one asked them to drag the Tamil people, using
them as a human shield, to Nandikadal. They alone
must take full responsibility for what happened to the Tamil people. They
must not only apologise but also promise their people
never to take them down the path to another Nandikadal.
Another Comment
In UNP Rukman Senanayake
stands out from the rest- a probable leader to save UNP from collapse.
In 1986 there was a coalition Government in France. The late Mr.Francois Mitterrand was the President, and his Prime
Minister was Jacques Chirac. The President was from the Socialist Party and
Chirac from the Conservative Republican Party. Their politics were poles apart.
Despite their being in a cohabitation government they criticised
each other politically within France with out coming
down to personal levels . But out
side France they never criticised each other.
They were very honourable politicians, speaking in
one voice for France and defending its foreign policies.
Even within France, the Prime Minister Jacque Chirac’s political speeches
were measured and critical of Socialist Policies, but never promoting any
political measure to embarrass the Socialists, because Jacques Chirac had to be
conscious of the fact that he should be acceptable to the people as an
alternative to Mr. Francois Mitterrand .
Jacque Chirac was perfectly aware that the President Mitterrand had been
elected for seven years and he was abiding time to seek nominations for the
next Presidential election, but he never tried to create political tension to
precipitate an early election by making antagonistic criticism against the
President, or resorting to Trade Union action. Those were real political
strategies of intelligent politician. When there was a National issue the
Socialists and the Conservatives acted together, such as in the case of
American decision to wage war against Iraq.
But UNP, JVP and other opposition political parties in Sri Lanka have no
such mature political strategies.
At every press conference one or the other of the spokesman for the UNP criticises every aspect of the government, minimising the importance of the government’s progressive
development projects subjecting them to ridicule, or as mere wastage of public
funds, without a word of appreciation for any of those massive undertakings
which will have a long term benefit to our country.
The UNP’s political strategies takes the form of
calumny, slander, denigration and defamation directed at the President. UNP
does not realise that their political strategies
should be planned not only to maintain the support of the UNP block votes, that
would swallow any misinformation fed to them, but also to win over at least a
part of those who voted to elect the President Mahinda
Rajapakse and his Government.
Through out the military operations against the terrorists the UNP
ridiculed the army underplaying the successes of the Valliant troops of the
Government Armed Forces.
The UNP did that to make the President and the Government unpopular with
the people. But the UNP forgot that the soldiers who died in these military
operations, others who lost their limbs, while yet others who risked their
lives were from the people, they are the ones who had kept the country united
and peaceful for UNP and other political parties to form governments and govern
a unitary country with a united communities of people.
The UNP criticises the major development
projects of the government in the same way it criticised
the military operations of the Government Armed Forces, when every intelligent
man and woman in Sri Lanka is aware of the fantastic development projects,
never seen before taking place before their very eyes.
To-day the UNP ( not to speak of JVP already a failed political movement,
which has no future in Sri Lanka), is praising and defending as a great hero Sarath Fonseka as he alone was
responsible for the elimination of terrorism. But it was the very same man who
was ridiculed by the UNP as not fit enough to be the Commander of the Salvation
Army. That is their short sighted political strategy.
These Political strategies of UNP are not well planned. Any intelligent
person could see that the UNP is not sincere in its criticism of the
government, but using such criticism as a mere political gimmicks to “fool” the
people. UNP does not appreciate Sarath Fonseka for what he was, but makes use him now for its own
political advantage over the President Mahinda Rajapakse.
Through out the Presidential election of 2005, the Political Strategies
of the UNP were ill chosen and ineffective. The UNP was turning its political
campaign to criticise the person of the rival
candidate, not to show that the UNP has political plans and projects which are
better than those of the SLFP candidate.
UNP invited enemies of Mahinda Rajapakse- Chandrika
Bandaranaike, to promote the UNP Presidential candidate. Chandrika
was already an unpopular political figure, she could
not contribute any thing beneficial to Ranil Wickramasinghe’s election
campaign, other than driving away possible voters from him.
Ranil Wickramasinghe
was defending the Tamils with an eye to win over Prabhakaran
to get the Tamil votes from North and East. That was not a wise strategy when
terrorists were blasting bombs every where massacring
innocent men, women and children.
The only wise politician the UNP had was Rukman Senanayake. He did not criticise the Government’s military operations against the
terrorists. The people were ready to listen to him. But the UNP shelved him.
Today no one even speaks of Rukman Senanayake.
Rukman Senanayake was
the only politician of the UNP who did not break away from the Party to join
the government, but yet stood by the UNP supporting the Government, giving
credit to the President Mahinda Rajapakse
for the conduct of the successful military operations against the terrorists.
Even Sajith Premadasa
whose ambition is to take over the leadership of the UNP from Ranil Wickramasinghe, did not
show himself to be as astute a politician like Rukman
But can the people really depend on Sajith Premadasa to be a good alternative to Mahinda
Rajapakse. His father R.Premadasa, changed when he
became the President. His helping Prabhakaran by
providing him with arms to fight against the IPKF does not give him much credit
other than that it helped Sri Lanka to get rid of an unwanted Indian Army
imposed on us by Rajiv Ghandhi.
Premadasa carried out some progressive
development, but at the same time he was too much of an authoritarian
President, that is without calling him a Dictator. The Media Federation accuses
the President Mahinda Rajapakse
for the repression of media freedom. But under Premadasa
it was worse, it was said that a journalist who photographed his wife playing
tennis, disappeared overnight. There were dead bodies floating in the rivers
and burnt on mounds of tyres…..
An ordinary MP is different from an MP who becomes a President,
the power is some times too much to keep people
The President Mahinda Rajapakse
is in that respect an exception. He is determined to develop Sri Lanka without
any ulterior motive for self aggrandisement. It is
evident from his simple, spiritual and pragmatic approach to problems.
He is patient as much as he is determined. He shows an ability to control
his emotions under all circumstances which has given him the strength to
traverse the path he has chosen to reach the goal he had set. He is different
from any previous Presidents. R.Premadasa, JRJayawardhana, Chandrika Kumatratunga are miles apart in comparison to the President
Mahinda Rajapakse. He is
even different from SWRD Bandaranaike.
Therefore, if Ranil Wickramasinghe,
Karu Jayasuriya or Sajith Premadasa are proposing to replace him, they have to adopt different
political strategies, to convince the people they are better than the President
Mahinda Rajapakse.
Some times the strategies the UNP thinks out are so simplistic one wonder
how it has managed to come so far in its political path. To propose an increase
of salaries of the public servants by Rs.10,000.00
would be suicidal to any government, let alone that of the President Mahinda Rajapakse.
Ranil Wickramasinghe
must be out of his mind even to think that it would be a strategy that will
allow him to get more votes at a future election. He should make proposals that
UNP could respect if it comes in to power.
Another , curious and a morbid political
strategy of UNP is to take over the coffins of any assassinated or a dead MP or
a journalist who had some anti-government connection and make the funeral
procession an occasion for a political manifestation against the President and
his government, with slogans and placards.
UNP made lot of mileage in vain with the assassination of Lasantha Wickramaratne. It was
afterwards taken over by the International Media Federations, the Human Rights
Watch, and the UNESCO- which even awarded posthumous medals to his second wife,
who made capital of the situation to live in cosy
comfort abroad, collaborating with the anti-Sri Lanka elements in the West to
discredit the Government of Sri Lanka and its President.
From 2005 to the 2009 UNP did not stop for an instance to deviate from
its reactionary , non-profitable political strategies
to at least make the people believe that the UNP of today has some thing positive to give to the people and the country,
other than its unpatriotic moves to put the people against a progressive and a
popular President and his Government.
The political strategies of the UNP were adopted not with any patriotic
love for the motherland, but with the only desire to grab political power for
the UNP by discrediting the progressive development projects that are being
carried out by the present government of the President Mahinda
Those political strategies of the UNP had been and continue to be
motivated by a personal vendetta against the President and his brothers who
largely contributed along with the Armed Forces to eliminate terrorism from Sri
Did UNP change its political strategies in the 2009 Presidential election
campaign ? Yes it did, but to the worse.
The UNP was by 2009 a spent force without new ideas misguided and
misdirected. Still UNP wanted to defeat the rival candidate Mahinda
Rajapakse of the UPFA. Though it could marshal some
will it still lacked ideas to plan an effective political strategy to defeat Mahinda Rajapakse. The UNP still
had no patriotic motives to change things for the benefit of the people and the
country, but UNP had vengeance in heart to chase Rajapakses
out of power.
While the SLFP put forward the Mahinda Chintanaya as its political manifesto, the UNP had nothing
positive to put to the people to win their votes. They had no political
manifesto. The UNP had already accepted defeat.
The only idea UNP could concoct as a political strategy,
was to prostitute itself by aligning with the JVP, and acclaim a new political
leader as their Presidential Candidate- Sarath Fonseka. UNP was foolish to the extent to even sacrifice
its party colour and the age old Elephant Symbol to
float a new Political Party to defeat the rival Presidential Candidate Mahinda Rajapakse.
The UNP and the JVP and of course Mano Ganeshan , and Rauf Hakim,
believed that best political strategy to defeat Mahinda
Rajapakse was to present Sarath
Fonseka as their Common Candidate. Ranil Wickramasinghe was pushed
out as he had failed 16 times over to win any election.
That was the worst political strategy of the UNP (and JVP). Tissa Attanayake, Lakshman Kiriella and Gayantha Karunatilleke etc of the
UNP were no better than Tilvin Silva, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, Vijitha Herath
of the JVP as political campaigners and made the worst political speeches through out that political campaign.
The Presidential Candidate UNP and JVP had selected had no political
speech writer. He was not a politician. He was astonished by the large crowds
that attended his meetings. He thought large crowds meant equal number of votes
and became confident of his victory.
His political speeches were a disaster. He as well as other UNP, JVP
speakers, thought that criticising the Government,
accusing the President and his family for corruption and portraying Mahinda Rajapakse as a man with
dictatorial tendencies and if elected he would be a Dictator, would make the
people vote against him.
It was however written on the wall that there candidate will end up as
the looser. Both the UNP and the JVP knew it but nevertheless bellowed anti Rajapakse rhetoric until the end, and continue to do so
unable to stop their ridiculous momentum of the disastrous election campaign.
The UNP still thinks that Sarath Fonseka has some value in him for UNP to rise from the
depth of the “stinking” pit into which it has fallen. Ravi Karunanayake
and Ranil Wickramasuinghe
continue to visit Sarath Fonseka
in the prison, and tells the press the terrible
condition of his imprisonment still hoping the people may sympathise
with the Prisoner bringing along with it some respect and prestige to the UNP
as well.
In fact UNP as a political party does not exist
to-day. It is only a name. It is a monument of hatred. It is boiling with
hatred within and hatred outwards. It exists because of its hatred towards the
President Mahinda Rajapakse
and his Government. It has to change, if it has to exist as a political party.
It has to change its political strategies.
If all those political strategies of the UNP were bad, what should have
been the good political strategies. Of cause a good
political strategy would be when criticising the
government for a wrong action to propose an alternative action.
The SLFP had the Mahinda Chintanaya
as its political Manifesto. A good Political Strategy would have been for the
UNP to present an election manifesto to counter Mahinda
The President Mahinda Rajapakse
has been able to raise Sri Lanka from a developing country, to a Middle Income
Level. Hence the UNP cannot suggest political strategies to take the country
back words, but it has to think out new policies to take the country forward.
The UNP should have stood by the Government in its Military solution to
eliminate terrorism, without criticising and
hindering the process. It is true that the Opposition to a government should be
critical of actions of the government if they are not favourable
to the country, but that does not mean that the opposition should criticise the government for the sake of criticising, assuming it to be the role of the opposition.
The Government of the President Mahinda Rajapakse has broken away from the strictly “traditional”
diplomatic ties with its former colonial governments and the West, to enlarge
the circle of diplomatic relations with many countries. This has to be
respected by the UNP. The UNP leadership should stop its members making
damaging statements against countries that have formed greater diplomatic
relations with Sri Lanka.
The UNP should adopt political strategies that would make UNP acceptable
to the people to form an alternative government, if they are dissatisfied with
the present government.
When the Government gave notice of bringing a no-confidence motion
against Karu Jayasuriya for
his statement detrimental to the Government and the Armed forces, Sajith Premadasa and Ravi Karunanayake made statements in defence of the Government.
Ravi Karunayake had said, “ My friend and Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources Development Minister Senaratne
has brought fish prices down at a difficult time which the price of bread is at
Rs 50 and a kilo of rice is at Rs 75, ……… adding that although he is a member
of the Opposition, he would like to congratulate the President on that. There
is no point in being critical of everything that a government does just because
one is in the Opposition camp,” he said. We shall appreciate and admire those
activities that are good for their worth in spite of our political
These type of appreciation of the activities of the government should have come
before when the Government was really in need of the support of the Opposition
parties to defeat the terrorists.
The West is out to discredit the Present government. The West is
evidently supporting the Tamil Diaspora with the intention to divide Sri Lanka.
The UNP and the Opposition Parties should unconditionally support the
government now without allowing the West to discredit the President. After all
the President who was elected by a majority of the people is the President of
every one the UPFA,UNP, JVP,SLMC, and the TNA.
This would also be a political strategy that will bring UNP closer to the
people of all political shades.
The UNP should not forget that it is the oldest Political Party and that
it is the only alternative to the Governing Party, therefore it should adopt
political strategies that would not put the people against it.
The President Mahinda Rajapakse
has been elected for a specified period of time of five years. Therefore, the
Opposition parties should have to work in cooperation with him until the end of
his term of office, unless of course he turns out to be a danger to the people
and the country. As it is the President is well loved by the people and he is
doing exceptionally well as the President of Sri Lanka.
If there are criticisms, it is best that the UNP adopts a more
conciliatory attitude and a process of dialogue with the government This will be appreciated by the people and UNP will take
credit for its cordial relationship with the government.
It will also mean more peace and happiness among the people, and a
satisfaction for the politicians of all political parties.
Different Opinion
President Mahinda Rajapaksa
is undoubtedly and indisputably the greatest statesman produced by Sri Lanka in
the recent times.
He not only unified Sri Lanka by liberating the country vanquishing the world’s
ruthless terrorist organization, akin to our great heroes never compromised the
country’s integrity and never bowed down in front of the enemy or anti national
forces. President Mahinda Rajapaksa
has never compromised the integrity and the unitary status of the country and
never genuflected in front of a foreign power whoever and how powerful it may
be, and have never acceded to foreign dictates and demands, and based on his
steely defiance of foreign commands during the war period it is absolutely
clear and manifest that he is a leader who would make any sacrifice for the
sake of our nation. This is a fact that is accepted even by his political
opponents, and indubitably he will go down in the history as the greatest post
independent Sri Lankan leader and his personality and deeds will be acclaimed
by the posterity forever.
The recent incidents relating to the
immoral attempts made in London by the remnants of the tiger terrorists, the ati-national blackguards, agents and nitwits of double
tongued western nations revengeful of this great personality to discredit him
were highly loathsome and warrants unequivocal condemnation by each and
everyone who has an iota of patriotism, who has any regard for peace and
harmony irrespective of petty political, ethnic and religious allegiance.
Not only the Sri Lankans but even the peace loving people the world over would
have condoned such wicked acts.
The most despicable thing in these
events is the involvement of the anti-national and terrorist slavish UNP
Parliamentarian Dr. Jayalath Jayawardene,
well known among the Sri Lankan community, even within the UNP as the “Green
Tiger”. As in the case of many such events
in the -past, this spiteful fellow has denied any involvement in the anti-Sri
Lankan activities staged by the tiger terrorist remnants to discredit the
Contrary to his denial there were many newspaper and web-reports confirming his
active participation in organizing activities against the President together
with the other Sinhala Tiger Dr. Wickremabahu Karunaratne.
The Green Tiger Jayalath
bringing of his passport to Parliament itself confirms his involvement in these
activities and obviously reveals that he brought the passport as an attempt to
mislead even the Parliament. Otherwise there was no necessity for him to bring his
passport to the Parliament on this particular day just after the events, and he
could have come to Parliament as in other days and his passport reminds us the
story of the “Puhul Hora
Karen Dane” (The shoulder divulges the thief of the pumpkin).
Despite newspaper and web reports
from London that confirmed this Green Tiger’s presence in London, and
addressing the Diasporra terrorists and urging the
terrorist to take strong action against President Mahinda
Rajapaksa’s, including urging steps to take for his
arrest in London for what he has said for the war crimes the President has
allegedly committed, he has even attempted to mislead the Parliament that he
was in Milano on the day protest marches were held by the tiger terrorist
Again this is the story of the man who climbed the Kitul
tree and claimed he climbed there to cut grass. This Green Tiger must have thought all Sri Lankans
including the Members of Parliament are downright fools to believe his childish
Londonreports also confirm that the Green Tiger Jayalath
addressed a terrorist sponsored meeting at Committee Room No. 8 of the British
Parliament and aired venom against the President and Sri Lanka at this meeting
which was also attended by the BBC News Editor Clive Lawrence.
This is not the first that the Green
Tiger Jayalath has indulged in anti-Sri Lankan
activities and openly supported and propagated the views of tiger terrorists,
and betrayed this nation.
I remember that this foul-mouthed terrorist started airing his anti-Sri Lankan
venom as far back as 1993 by addressing a Tiger Terrorist Conference together
with his anti-Sri Lankan companion Dr. Wickremabahu Karunaratne. Since then he had been the prime mover of
activities against Sri Lanka, whatever the subject it may come across,
particularly in respect of anything that may assisting in denying aid to Sri
Lanka, denying market access for Sri Lankan products, in humiliating Sri Lanka
on the alleged human rights issues, and especially against the war and
promoting the tiger terrorists. His treacherous deeds are so many which cannot
be defined one by one since it would run to so many pages.
He had been a continuous and
frequent participant in terrorist gatherings overseas and an enthusiastic
orator of overseas terrorist conventions and meetings. He was the most traveled Sinhala person to the terrorist
occupied territories and was even more zealous than Prabhakaran,
Tamilselvan, Balassingham
and Pottu Amman for segregating Sri Lanka and
establishing the dreamland Eelam. As a Catholic
rather than paying homage to the Madhu church, he
made frequent barefooted homage to the terrorist graveyards in the North.
The treatment meted out to this
anti-national Green Tiger in the Parliament by Ministers and the MPs is a
commendable act but it should have been harsher than what actually happened. Any Sri Lankan would agree on this point. Minister Mr.
Dinesh Gunawardene should
be complimented for initiating and leading this patriotic protest.
It is indeed a great victory for Sri
Lanka to find resurgence of Sri Lankan patriotism among the Tamil community in
the North, especially in areas such as Kilinochchi
and Mullaitivu through massive demonstrations they
have voluntarily staged against the acts of Diaspora terrorists (which includes
Jayalath and Wickremabahu). It is also equally happy to note that Tamil politicians in
Sri Lanka virulently condemning Green Tiger Jayalath
and the Terrorist Diaspora in U.K and praising President Mahinda
Rajapaksa for taking countless measures to alleviate
the hardships of the Tamil community suffered under the jackboots of
terrorists, for improving infrastructure in the North and East and launching
several projects for raising the social and economic standards of the Tamil
It is apparent that the Green Tiger Jayalath has violated the Amendment No. 6 of the Sri Lankan
Constitution by aiding and abetting the forces against Sri Lanka and promoted
the segregation of Sri Lanka by his active and candid participation, assistance
and collaboration with the terrorists when they were waging military operations
against the country, and waging a hidden war against Sri Lanka from the foreign
soil at present.
Therefore, it is the national duty
urgent responsibility of all Parliamentarians to bring in legislation, if it is
required other than the provisions under Constitutional Amendment No. 6, to
immediately disenfranchise this terrorist in the Parliament, and force him for
voluntary expulsion from this nation of peace loving people. The legislations so introduced should be a strong deterrent
for other foreign and terrorist stooges living in the country. New strong and binding legislation in this regard is
urgently required since, it has been opined by some legal luminaries that just
passing a resolution in the Parliament cannot unseat an MP without resorting to
a judicial process.
In the meantime peace loving and
patriotic masses should continue to demonstrate and compel the government until
such measures are taken forcing this terrorist to leave our peaceful country,
or to apprehend him on charges of treason. He actually deserves the punishment meted out by the
ancient Kings for the treachery he has willfully committed, as anyone
questioned on this matter would say “Oova nam Ulatiyala Maranna
Ona”, and “Avanai endal thundu thundaa
vetta Onum (meaning “He
should be cut into pieces”).
நாடு இல்லை என்றவனைவிட
நமக்கு நாடே இல்லை
நான் எனது நாட்டை
விட்டு விரட்டப்பட்டேன்.......

வலிமை மிகுந்த
ஆயுதமாகும்.’ விடுதலைப்புலிகளுடன்
நட்பு பூணுவது
என்பது வினோதமான
சுய தம்பட்டம்
அடிக்கும் விவகாரமே.
அழைப்பிற்கு உடனே
செவிமடுத்து, மாதக்கணக்கில்
அவர்களின் குழுக்களில்
இருந்து ஆலோசனை
வழங்கி, கடிதங்கள்
வரைந்து, கூட்டங்களில்
அவர்களுக்கு அடிவருடிகளாக
கூட சூசகமான எச்சரிக்கைகள்,
அவர்கள்மீது சந்தேகம்
கொண்டு விடப்பட்டன.........'
பனை நூலில் இருந்து)
நூலை எழுதிய ராஜினி
திரணகம விடுதலைப்
புலிகளின் புலனாய்வுப்
பிரிவின் முக்கிய
உறுப்பினரான பொஸ்கோ
என்பவரால் 21-9-1989 அன்று
யாழ் பல்கலைக்கழக
வாசலில் வைத்து
சுட்டு கொல்லப்பட்டார்)
capacity to shock was one of the L.T.T.E. smost potent weapons. Friendship with
the L.T.T.E. was a strange and
self-flattering affair.In the course of the coming days dire hints were dropped
for the benefit of several old friends who had for months sat on committees,
given advice, drafted latters, addressed meetings and had placed themselves at
the L.T.T.E.’s beck and call.
From: Broken Palmyra
தலமையின் வடஅமெரிக்க
முக்கிய புள்ளி
ஒருவரின் வாக்கு
இறுதி வரை இருந்து
இறுதி சங்காரத்தில்
தப்பியவரின் வாக்குமூலம்
தேர்தல் 2011
அதிமுக, தமிழக
மக்கள் இவர்களில்
வெல்லப் போவது
என் இனிய
தாய் நிலமே!
நிற்க தனி மரம்
தேவை! தோப்பு அல்ல!!
7 வது பாராளுமன்றத்
தேர்தல்! நடக்கும்
என்றார் நடந்து
விட்டது! நடக்காது
என்றார் இனி நடந்துவிடுமா?
யார்.....? பாராளுமன்றத்
தேர்தல் 2010
தேர்தல் 2010
விஞ்ஞாபனம் - பத்மநாபா
ஈழமக்கள் புரட்சிகர
விடுதலை முன்னணி
முதல் 2009 வரை அட்டைகளின்
(புலிகளின்) ஆட்சியில்......
(fpNwrpad;> ehthe;Jiw)
ஒரு கைதியின் வரலாறு
மேல் காதல் கொண்ட
வெகு விரைவில்...
வைச்ச சிங்களவனும்
ஆசை வைச்ச தமிழனும்
ஆட்சி வேண்டி நிற்கும்
மேற்குலகம், துணை செய்யக்
சரத் பொன்சேகா
எமது தெரிவு
எவ்வாறு அமைய வேண்டும்?
ஆணை இட்ட
அதிபர் 'கை', வேட்டு
வைத்த ஜெனரல்
'துப்பாக்கி' ..... யார் வெல்வார்கள்?
உங்களிடம் சில
இலங்கைத் தமிழர்களும்
ஒற்றுமையான இலங்கை
தமது தாயகம் என
உரிமையோடு உணரும்
நிலை ஏற்பட வேண்டும்.
(m. tujuh[g;ngUkhs;)
60 வருடகால காட்டிக்
தேர்தலில் தமிழ்
மக்கள் பாடம் புகட்டுவார்களா?
ஜனவரி இருபத்தாறு!
விரும்பாமலோ இரு
ஒன்றை தமிழ் பேசும்
மக்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுக்க
2009 விடைபெறுகின்றது!
2010 வரவேற்கின்றது!!
'ஈழத் தமிழ்
பேசும் மக்கள்
மத்தியில் பாசிசத்தின்
உதிர்வும், ஜனநாயகத்தின்
சபாஷ் சரியான
மகிந்த ராஜபக்ஷ
& சரத் பொன்சேகா.
மாற்று தமிழ் அரசியல்
(சதா. ஜீ.)
பேசும் மக்களின்
புதிய அரசியல்
திரும்பும் 35 வருடகால
அரசியல் சுழற்சி!
தமிழ் பேசும் மக்களுக்கு
விடிவு கிட்டுமா?
தமிழனும், அகதி
(கப்பல்) தமிழனும்
இருட்டு அறையில்
கறுப்பு பூனையை
தேடும் முயற்சி
மீண்டும் சந்திப்போம்!
தேசிய கூட்டமைப்புடன்
பால் வார்க்கும்
பழிச் செயல்
அரசின் முதல் கோணல்
முற்றும் கோணலாக
மாறும் அபாயம்
ஈழ விடுலைப்
போராட்டமும், ஊடகத்துறை
கட்டமான அதிகாரப்பகிர்வு
13வது திருத்தத்திலிருந்து
முன்னோக்கி உந்திப்
பாயும் ஒரு விடயமே
தந்த பாடம்
கிழக்கு மக்கள்
ஒரு பிரளயம்
கடந்து ஒரு யுகம்
முடிந்தது போல்
சம்பவங்கள் நடந்து