The Political Philosophy And Praxis Of K.
(November 19, 2014 | Filed under: Colombo Telegraph,Opinion | Posted
By Dayan Jayatilleka -
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka)
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka
EPRLF Leader K. Pathmanaba’s 63rd birthday is today
Comrade Pathmanabha was first of all a revolutionary, a
Marxist-Leninist, a national liberationist and a humanitarian socialist.
If we were to forget his characteristics we would then also forget his
contribution. Pathmanabha was not just another leader of the Tamil
national movement cut down by the LTTE. He was more, and this we should
always remember.
Comrade Pathmanabha political career goes back to the first years of the
decade of 1970’s. He participated in the activities of the rising Tamil
student and youth fronts, in protest against the racist policies
implemented by the United Front Government of the day. It is this
Government, consisting of so called progressives and left parties, that
reinforced the foundation of the Tamil Eelam demand, the cornerstone of
which was laid by the Bandaranaike policy of Sinhala Only in 1956.
Comrade Pathmanabha participated in the early 70’s in the campaigns of
agitation launched against media wise and district wise standardisation
and discriminatory 1972 Constitution.
His specific contribution to the Tamil nationalist movement and the
progressive movement of Sri Lanka as a whole, begins however, in the mid
70’s. He was one of the founders of the very first socialist oriented
organisation within the Tamil national liberation movement. This was the
Eela Viduthalai Iyakkam or Eelam Liberation Organisation founded in
1974/75. This organisation was formed as a result of the attempts by
Pathmanabha and others to give the Tamil nationalist movement a mass
base. He was one of the groups of youth militants who were the first to
break with the bourgeois and parliamentary policies of Tamil United
Front. I think we must stress this fact, since both Velupillai
Prabakaran and Uma Maheswaran remained within the political and
ideological ambit of bourgeois TULF politics, until much later in the
Ossie, Chandrika, Vijaya,Pathmanaba and Kethish
Ossie, Chandrika, Vijaya,Pathmanaba and Kethish
Pathmanabha and others attempted to take the message of Tamil national
liberation into the countryside and among the working people. In doing
so they encountered a fundamental problem. What would the struggle for
Tamil Eelam bring to the workers and peasants, particularly the
peasantry and those suffering from caste oppression? It is in answer to
this question that the political philosophy of Pathmanabha took a sharp
turn to the left. This is why the Eela Viduthalai Iyakkam was formed as
a social oriented organisation dedicated to the cause of Tamil national
Pathmanabha believed in the unity of theory and practice and as such the
ELO resorted to the tactic of armed expropriations. He participated
personally in the Puloly Bank operation, which was one of the first
such in the history of the Tamil resistance. In the immediate aftermath
of that armed expropriation, Pathmanabha who was on the run, was
sheltered, protected and assisted by the people of the area. This
deepened his love for and respect for
the so called common or ordinary people. He realised that the people
could be a great source of protection and even of wisdom for the
national liberation struggle. His pro-people orientation deepened
qualitatively as a result of this experience.
The Eela Viduthalai Iyakkam did not survive the repression unleashed as
a result of the Puloly Bank operation. As the organisation
disintegrated, Comrade Pathmanabha left the country and went to England.
He agreed, due to the pressure of his family, to recommence his studies
and registered as a student of Accountancy while in London.
But from the very first day he reached England he was a manifestly
restless young man. His thoughts were entirely devoted to the task of
getting back to his native land as soon as possible. When in London, all
his free time, social contacts and his personal interactions were
devoted to the attempt to win over friends and acquaintances to the
cause of the national liberation struggle. It was while in London that
he joined and in fact helped to form the General Union of Eelam Students
(GUES) and the EROS. He was in the first batch of Tamil militant
activists to receive training from the Palestinian Liberation
Organisation in Lebanon. His experiences and those of his comrades in
Beirut left in him a permanent love for the Palestinian struggle. Almost
a decade later, when he was the head of fairly strong Liberation
Organisation himself, he did his very best to give moral, material and
political support to the Palestinian fighters. It was during this spell
with the Palestinians that Comrade Pathmanabha also developed a strong
sense of solidarity with the Eritrean liberation struggle.
Comrade Pathmanabha made his journey back in 1978. Before returning to
Sri Lanka he spent some time in India laying a firm foundation for the
subsequent activities of his organisation. His political work in India
is also noteworthy, because until that time the connections between
Tamil fighters and India had been with smugglers and social bandits and
also with the most hard core Tamilnadu nationalists. Pathmanabha,
however, established firm links with Marxist Leninist revolutionary
elements in Southern India. He learnt much from them himself but his
choice of allies is further testimony to his ideological and political
clarity and his socialist revolutionary commitment.
Having set up a GUES committee in Madras under Comrade Suresh, he
returned to Sri Lanka, working politically not only in Jaffna but also
in the hill country. Comrade Pathmanabha made serious and extensive
efforts to recruit Tamil youth from the plantations and those from the
Colombo schools for the cause of Tamil national liberation. In doing so
he broke with the narrowly limited, Jaffna centric outlook of other
Tamil national liberation fighters. Pathmanabha also made a very serious
attempt to establish contacts with Sinhala revolutionaries. He met many
such and tried to convince them of the need to support the cause of
Tamil self-determination. He was not successful in most cases. However,
what is important is that he had departed completely from any kind of
narrow Tamil nationalism or chauvinism.
From these earliest days in 1978, when we first met in Peradeniya, he
was very clear that the Tamil national liberation struggle was the first
step and stage of an overall socialist revolution throughout Sri Lanka.
The Tamil struggle itself would make the transition from its democratic
stage and culminate in the sett ting up of a socialist Tamil Eelam. Of
these two propositions Pathmanabha was very convinced and these ideas
were ones which he had arrived at independently. His attempt to link up
with Sinhala revolutionaries was in consequence of this strategic vision
of his.
In 1981, he broke with EROS on the question of the lack of democratic
centralism. While that was the issue on which the rupture took place,
the founding of the EPRLF permitted Comrade Pathmanabha to
operationalise his own distinctive conception of the national liberation
struggle. He attempted to give the struggle both a socialist political
education as well as a base in a network of mass organisations. This is
why he was insistent on the need to set up an array of popular
organisations such as the Rural Workers and Peasants Front, the Eelam
Women’s Liberation Front, the Fisheries Workers Front and the Plantation
Proletarian Front. These mas organisations he later attempted to group
in a single Popular block called- the Eelam People’s Liberation Front.
This was in 1983.
He was very clear that the armed organisation should be based and drawn
from the mass organisations and be under the political leadership of the
party. Hence his adherence to Mao’s triad of the party, the Army and the
United Front. But it was not a dogmatic Maoism. as his idea of the
separate mass organisations subsequently grouped in a popular bloc
demonstrates. I believe that he had evolved his own synthesis of the
ideas of the PFLP of Dr George Habash, of the Eritreans and of the
Indian Marxist Leninist organisations. As a Marxist, he had great
respect and love for Stalin, Mao, the Vietnamese and particularly for
Che and Fidel.
Certainly it is obvious that he was not able to fulfil his goals in this
regard. It is obvious that this organisational structure did not
function in the way it was meant to and should have. This was due to
sets of reasons. One set of reasons consists of avoidable subjective
mistakes and organisational errors. The other set of reasons are those
due to the trap of history and geography.
Comrade Pathmanabha, like all of us, inherited historically determined
conditions and circumstances. He was attempting to build a socialist
national liberation organisation within an ethnic and social formation
that was characterised by conservatism and ossified social structures.
His attempt to fight against caste domination and class exploitation,
together with his insistence on the need for women’s emancipation within
the national liberation struggle, earned the EPRLF the enormous
hostility of entrenched, privileged social strata within the Tamil
nation. The result of this was the narrowing of the economic resource
base of EPRLF.
When in the aftermath of July 1983 the militant movements sought refuge
in South India and made their base there, the EPRLF was distinguished by
its refusal to compromise on its ideological convictions. All the other
groups benefitted from the largesse of the Tamil Nadu state government
and the most nationalistic, even chauvinistic, political and bourgeois
elements in Tamil Nadu. Comrade Pathmanabha’s steadfast refusal to
attack Sinhala civilian targets in Colombo or elsewhere did not endear
him to bourgeois Tamil nationalists in India or the West who were
bank-rolling the terrorist operations which were undertaken by some
other groups despite their verbal commitment to the principles of
I feel that the belatedness of the EPRLFs attempt to develop a powerful
military apparatus was also due to Comrade Pathmanabha’s own
philosophical conviction that what was most important was a mass
struggle, mass organisations and a correct political orientation. It
would have been very easy for him, trained in Lebanon by the
Palestinians, to have plunged into the ‘prestige race’ of launching
military attacks on Sinhala targets. But I believe he restrained himself
and consciously refrained from succumbing to a militaristic deviation.
Perhaps he foresaw in some way the brutalisation that was to set in. in
the Tamil liberation struggle. Whatever the reason, I would say that
history has vindicated Pathmanabha’s refusal to take the easy path of
militarism at the expense of politics and mass organisation.
When the LTTE launched its attack on Anuradhapura in 1985 and then again
on the TELO in May 1986 Pathmanabha and the EPRLF took a very clear
position. On both these occasions Pathmanabha went against the tide. He
extended full support and solidarity to the TELO and his was the only
group to have a hartal in protest at the killing of TELO cadres by the
Tigers. He would not have been unmindful of this. But nonetheless he
adhered to principles. He did the right thing in the face of injustice.
I would say that Comrade Pathmanabha’s greatness resides not only in his
positive achievements but most certainly in the wrong things he
consciously desisted from doing. The EPRLF under his leadership did not
engage in the killings of Sinhala civilians. It refused to engage in
drug smuggling as a source of revenue. On this last issue, the otherwise
so gentle Nabha was very firm.
He upheld the idea of the death sentence for any members of the EPRLF
who engaged in drug trafficking. He used to say that “all that we do,
all our struggles are based on love for human beings and the ideals of
humanism. Drug trafficking results in the destruction of the lives of
great many human beings in other countries. This makes nonsense of
ideals to which we are committed”. This indicates very clearly the
humanism that infused the socialist revolutionary commitment of Comrade
Pathmanabha. His refusal to permit internal killings, at the time when
other pseudo-socialist organisations in the Tamil Eelam movement were
maintaining torture chambers and death camps, attests to his fidelity
for the cause of democracy, while his refusal to entertain the idea of
killing Sinhala civilians is testimony to his internationalism.
The fact that Comrade Pathmanabha was himself deeply involved in the
attempt to construct a join revolutionary project of Sinhalese and
Tamils and did not sub-contract this task to this or that glib ideologue
as did other Tamil liberation organisations, is further proof of his
deep personal commitment to the goal of what he called the ‘total
revolution’ in Sri Lanka. It is not only physically that Pathmanabha
stood head and shoulders above other leaders of the Tamil liberation
movement but also in his internationalism and his humanism. The
evolution of the world Communist and Revolutionary Movement has
vindicated Pathmanabha’s own ideological formation and synthesis.
Pathmanabha stood for, believed in and acted with democratic, humane
socialism, which is an ideal the world Marxist Movement has now endorsed
as its goal.
In his humanism, Pathmanabha was like Vijaya Kumaranatunga, who was
himself profoundly anti-racist and internationalist and totally
committed to the idea of a democratic socialism.
Viewing comrade Pathmanabha in historical perspective is no easy task
there are a great many personal memories and experiences that we have
shared in our odyssey. But that is a much longer story, for a different
time. I will say that Comrade Pathmanabha was certainly one of the
outstanding Marxists produced by the Tamil nation of this country – the
others being Comrades Vaidyalingam, Kandiah and Shanmugathasan. But I
could say that none of these other Marxists had the opportunity or
perhaps the capacity and motivation to unite theory with armed
revolutionary practice. In that sense it would not be inaccurate to say
that Comrade Pathmanabha was the greatest Marxist – Leninist revolution-ary
leader produced by the Tamil community. I would even go further. If I am
asked who was the greatest revo-lutionary Marxist – Leninist leader that
we have produced in Sri Lanka, ‘I cannot think of anyone but Pathmanabha’.
The detailed analytical assessment of Comrade Pathmanabha is the task
for another forum. But let me say that understanding Pathmanabha brings
us face to face with a great many problems of revolutionary strategy and
theory of political philosophy and practice – be it the relationship be-tween
the political and the military, the party and the united front, the
maximum and the minimum programme, internationalism and nationalism,
socialism and humanism, relations with bourgeois state, and the crisis
of the World Communist Movement. Pathmanaba’s practice and thinking
involved all of that and much more. Understanding Pathmanaba would shed
light on the history of Tamil liberation struggles, the nature of the
Tamil social formation, the history of the Sri Lankan revolutionary
process, the political processes of South
Asia and the trajectories of the revolutionary movements of this
complex, violent part of the world and the world as a whole.
Pathmanaba has left behind his organisation which has proved its
remarkable resilience whenever it was attacked by the fascist LTTE. He
has left his organisation behind in the hands of his close
comrade-in-arms Comrade Suresh Premachandran. But above all Pathmanaba
has left us with his example. He was never a talker and a writer. But
what he stood for, he acted out and acted upon. Therefore we have to
gather together, systematise and share our reminiscences of Pathmanaba.
And above all we have to follow his example. The Tigers may have killed
Comrade Pathmanaba, but as Vijaya Kumaranatunga said at the funeral of
Nandana Marasinghe, They may kill the Liberationist, but they cannot
kill the liberation struggle. For the liberation struggle is eternal.”
Someday when the peoples’ revolutionary forces of the Sinhala. the
Tamil and the Muslim communities wage their combined struggle against
reaction and Imperialism, the world will know this – for surely at some
decisive stage and determinant moment of the struggle, they will unfurl
the twin banners of Vijaya and Pathmanaba!
Pathmanaba’s moral and ethical stature does not diminish but grows with
each passing day as we reflect on the civilisational crisis of our
country and our revolutionary movements. I will conclude this, having
searched for a slogan which may synthesise Pathmanaba’s ideas, his
theory and practice, our own historic, existential encounter and
indubitable future reencounter. And that slogan is this -SOCIALIST
*Dayan Jayatilleka was the Asst. Secretary and a member of the Political
Bureau of Sri Lanka Mahajana Party (SLMP). This was written in November
1990 |
நாடு இல்லை என்றவனைவிட
நமக்கு நாடே இல்லை
நான் எனது நாட்டை
விட்டு விரட்டப்பட்டேன்.......

வலிமை மிகுந்த
ஆயுதமாகும்.’ விடுதலைப்புலிகளுடன்
நட்பு பூணுவது
என்பது வினோதமான
சுய தம்பட்டம்
அடிக்கும் விவகாரமே.
அழைப்பிற்கு உடனே
செவிமடுத்து, மாதக்கணக்கில்
அவர்களின் குழுக்களில்
இருந்து ஆலோசனை
வழங்கி, கடிதங்கள்
வரைந்து, கூட்டங்களில்
அவர்களுக்கு அடிவருடிகளாக
கூட சூசகமான எச்சரிக்கைகள்,
அவர்கள்மீது சந்தேகம்
கொண்டு விடப்பட்டன.........'
பனை நூலில் இருந்து)
நூலை எழுதிய ராஜினி
திரணகம விடுதலைப்
புலிகளின் புலனாய்வுப்
பிரிவின் முக்கிய
உறுப்பினரான பொஸ்கோ
என்பவரால் 21-9-1989 அன்று
யாழ் பல்கலைக்கழக
வாசலில் வைத்து
சுட்டு கொல்லப்பட்டார்)
capacity to shock was one of the L.T.T.E. smost potent weapons. Friendship with
the L.T.T.E. was a strange and
self-flattering affair.In the course of the coming days dire hints were dropped
for the benefit of several old friends who had for months sat on committees,
given advice, drafted latters, addressed meetings and had placed themselves at
the L.T.T.E.’s beck and call.
From: Broken Palmyra
தலமையின் வடஅமெரிக்க
முக்கிய புள்ளி
ஒருவரின் வாக்கு
இறுதி வரை இருந்து
இறுதி சங்காரத்தில்
தப்பியவரின் வாக்குமூலம்
தேர்தல் 2011
அதிமுக, தமிழக
மக்கள் இவர்களில்
வெல்லப் போவது
என் இனிய
தாய் நிலமே!
நிற்க தனி மரம்
தேவை! தோப்பு அல்ல!!
7 வது பாராளுமன்றத்
தேர்தல்! நடக்கும்
என்றார் நடந்து
விட்டது! நடக்காது
என்றார் இனி நடந்துவிடுமா?
யார்.....? பாராளுமன்றத்
தேர்தல் 2010
தேர்தல் 2010
விஞ்ஞாபனம் - பத்மநாபா
ஈழமக்கள் புரட்சிகர
விடுதலை முன்னணி
முதல் 2009 வரை அட்டைகளின்
(புலிகளின்) ஆட்சியில்......
(fpNwrpad;> ehthe;Jiw)
ஒரு கைதியின் வரலாறு
மேல் காதல் கொண்ட
வெகு விரைவில்...
வைச்ச சிங்களவனும்
ஆசை வைச்ச தமிழனும்
ஆட்சி வேண்டி நிற்கும்
மேற்குலகம், துணை செய்யக்
சரத் பொன்சேகா
எமது தெரிவு
எவ்வாறு அமைய வேண்டும்?
ஆணை இட்ட
அதிபர் 'கை', வேட்டு
வைத்த ஜெனரல்
'துப்பாக்கி' ..... யார் வெல்வார்கள்?
உங்களிடம் சில
இலங்கைத் தமிழர்களும்
ஒற்றுமையான இலங்கை
தமது தாயகம் என
உரிமையோடு உணரும்
நிலை ஏற்பட வேண்டும்.
(m. tujuh[g;ngUkhs;)
60 வருடகால காட்டிக்
தேர்தலில் தமிழ்
மக்கள் பாடம் புகட்டுவார்களா?
ஜனவரி இருபத்தாறு!
விரும்பாமலோ இரு
ஒன்றை தமிழ் பேசும்
மக்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுக்க
2009 விடைபெறுகின்றது!
2010 வரவேற்கின்றது!!
'ஈழத் தமிழ்
பேசும் மக்கள்
மத்தியில் பாசிசத்தின்
உதிர்வும், ஜனநாயகத்தின்
சபாஷ் சரியான
மகிந்த ராஜபக்ஷ
& சரத் பொன்சேகா.
மாற்று தமிழ் அரசியல்
(சதா. ஜீ.)
பேசும் மக்களின்
புதிய அரசியல்
திரும்பும் 35 வருடகால
அரசியல் சுழற்சி!
தமிழ் பேசும் மக்களுக்கு
விடிவு கிட்டுமா?
தமிழனும், அகதி
(கப்பல்) தமிழனும்
இருட்டு அறையில்
கறுப்பு பூனையை
தேடும் முயற்சி
மீண்டும் சந்திப்போம்!
தேசிய கூட்டமைப்புடன்
பால் வார்க்கும்
பழிச் செயல்
அரசின் முதல் கோணல்
முற்றும் கோணலாக
மாறும் அபாயம்
ஈழ விடுலைப்
போராட்டமும், ஊடகத்துறை
கட்டமான அதிகாரப்பகிர்வு
13வது திருத்தத்திலிருந்து
முன்னோக்கி உந்திப்
பாயும் ஒரு விடயமே
தந்த பாடம்
கிழக்கு மக்கள்
ஒரு பிரளயம்
கடந்து ஒரு யுகம்
முடிந்தது போல்
சம்பவங்கள் நடந்து